Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lucky Day

Lady luck smiled at me today. Well, not only that, I think she sat beside me today. I got my first pay, after struggling with my ATM for a couple of hours. You see, I thought there was nothing in my debit card because the machine kept telling me "Wrong Pin". I did not realize my mistake of inserting it in the ATM of another bank. I just thought it was okay and it doesn't matter. Well, pretty much for a couple of hours there, I accepted the fact that I'm just gonna be broke for the rest of the year. But being the persistent person that I am, I inserted it in the ATM machine of my bank and lo and behold, it asked me to change the pin. Then it showed that I have my money! Yehey! I gave P20 to two kids who asked for coins. Like, really! I was so ecstatic I wanted to jump.

But it was a momentary happiness. I knew I had to save and send money to my parents. Not to mention I owe a  lot to my uncle and my cousins.

Well, I hope my lucky streak will continue. Is this the silver lining of my break up with Marcus? That I'll have a career, a job and I won't be broke but I'll be alone? Well, I hope not. But right now, I'm so thankful to God that He has not left my side.

I bought a great shoe by the way. I'll share it next time.

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