Thursday, September 15, 2011

Part Three: Baguio Escapade

I woke up early on my third day in Baguio City. I was thinking of heading back to Camp John Hay to try out their zipline but then again, I chickened out. Heights aren't my thing. Bumping my head in one of them pine trees knowing how huge of a clutz I am, is not either. So, I went to see the Baguio Cathedral instead. It has expanded a lot over the years just like any church in the country.

But before that, I know I promised to show you what I had for dinner the other day in Choco-Late de Batirol. It is a quaint cafe near the Gate 2 Exit of Camp John Hay that serves chocolate drink prepared the traditional way. Through beating it in a batirol. I think we still have one like that at home.

Here's a peak...

Oh, this is what I wore when I strolled in Camp John Hay. I so love the skirt!

It was a chilly walk going out of Camp John Hay. I think people here
will not have any reason not to exercise or jog...The weather is so perfect.

This is the very unique signage in front of Choco-late de Batirol. Very artsy, huh?

I got this bittersweet blend (traditional flavor) for P80. Kinda reminds me of what
my lola used to prepare back home. Look at the guitar-shaped holder. Cute.

So, that was it. That's what I had at the quaint store called Choco-late de Batirol along with probably the most expensive Bangusilog I had so far.. LOL! Overall, I spent P280 for that dinner. Whew!

Sunday came and like I said, I went to Baguio Cathedral. Of course I went in to give thanks for a very safe and awesome vacay. I gave thanks to Him for making things happen for me at this point.

Now, for the pics. Aren't these the awesomest pics of the church or what?

I don't remember this statues being there when I went to Baguio when I was younger.

Overall, that was a good vacation. See you for yet another Solo Lakwatsera adventure!

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