Wednesday, September 28, 2011

ME RANTING (with facebook timeline segue)

I am pissed. If you have been my friend/relative you know that I have been wanting to drive or learn how to drive for the longest time now. In fact a dear friend said, "You haven't done it already? I thought you crossed that from your to-do list last year?" Well, unfortunately, I haven't got the time to do that, with the bar exam and criss-crossing and hopping from one job to the next, so no time.

I finally got the time to get it over with by actually planning to do it last week, with my cousin Jheisha. She was free because it's her school break so she has at least a week. We planned to get lessons from Aplus where we need to pay P4,300 for 10 hours. That can be enough. If I needed to learn some more, maybe Google and Youtube can fill in the gaps. Hehe!

So I was ready to withdraw the money I have been saving for this time. Unfortunately, the money I saved through BPI Save Up cannot be withdrawn because I needed to go through a lot of inconvenient steps. Worse, I think BPI has got the worst call center support. They do not answer when you dial the 89-100 line and it has been going on for several days now. I can't go online because apparently I do not have my password and account number, things that I don't know of. I did not enroll my BPI account before so I can't possible have the password and account name...My only hope lies in the hands of an operator, who at the moment is not answering my calls.

So basically, my driving lessons have to park again.

Anyways, has anyone of you heard of Facebook Timeline? Well, it's facebook's latest attempt to lure its people in and prevent it from becoming archaic like Friendster (has anyone heard of this?). It is suppose to be  the story of your life according to my BFF Mark Zuckerberg (tehehe!). If you want to know what I am blabbing about, go check this site and check out my new profile...

PS: It will ask you to enter your phone number in your account to get a confirmation code. I suggest that for your own safety, remove it after you are done creating the timeline. Anyways, that's it! And oh, I'm still pissed.


  1. Hi Diana, hope your feeling much better today! I feel sad that you were not able to enroll at driving school, hope you were able to do so by now, crossing fingers for you :) Have a great weekend! - Mar

  2. Thanks, sis. well, I guess I have no choice but to stop sulking. Hehe! Actually, maybe we can push through with the driving lessons this October 10, hopefully the weather will permit us. Anyways, hope you check out my new post. Love your posts always, Mar.
